Offset your carbon footprint for just £5.50/mo
Your funds enable us to create and support carbon offset schemes in the UK and plant trees in the UK.
Choose Your Carbon Offset Plan
Personal 2024
5.50£Every monthOffset your carbon footprintCouple 2024
11£Every monthOffset the carbon footprint of you and your partner.- 2 Offset per year.
Hero 2024
22£Every monthOffset the carbon footprint of 4 people- 4 offsets per year
Plans can be cancelled at any time. No obligation. There is no guarantee that the amount of carbon offset will be the same as the amount intended to be offset. Funds can be used at the sole discretion of My Carbon Plan Ltd. Please see our Terms and Conditions
Purchase Carbon Offsets by Tonne of C02
Your funds enable us to create and support carbon offset schemes in the UK and plant trees in the UK.
We aim to use donor funds to support carbon offset schemes in the UK and planting trees in the UK.
As a not-for-profit we aim for 70% donor funds to be used to plant trees (in line with the average charity in the UK spends 70% of donations on their end-charitable activity), the remainder is used to cover central administration costs and fundraising.
Funds are used to provide grants and support (smaller) offset schemes in the UK. There is no guarantee that the carbon offset will be exactly as intended or cost precisely £10/tonne of C02. We may choose to aupport a scheme as it provides other benefits beyond carbon offsetting - such as raising awareness and/or investing in R&D. Please refer to our terms and conditions.