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Our Top Tips to Reduce your Carbon Footprint.
Here are some quick tips to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Annual Carbon Saving: 1.14 tonnes
Switch Energy Supplier
One of the highest impact things you can do is to switch to a green energy supplier.
Green energy suppliers generate all of their energy from carbon-free sources, or will offset the carbon footprint of their energy production.
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Annual Carbon Saving: 0.40 tonnes
Go Meat Free
Going full-vegan may be a challenge for many of us, but reducing the meat consumption can help lower your carbon footprint.
A good way to start is by going meet-free for one day a week. It's better to start something small than do nothing at all!
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →

Annual Carbon Saving: 0.31 tonnes
Switch Off Appliances
Turning off appliances at the wall socket, rather than leaving on standby, can save 310kg of carbon each year.
It can also save you £50 to £90 in energy bills.
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →

Annual Carbon Saving: 0.15 tonnes per trip
Take the Train
A short haul return flight from London to Edinburgh can use 150kg of C02 per passenger.
If you're not in a rush, why not take the train. This can save almost the entire amount of carbon used by flying.
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →

Annual Carbon Saving: 0.07 tonnes
Turn Down the Thermostat
Turning down the thermostat by one degree helps to reduce your carbon footprint, and and reduce your heating bills by up to 10%.
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Annual Carbon Saving: 0.09 tonnes
Service Your Car
Buying an electric car may be out of the financial reach for many of us. However, keeping your car running as efficiently as possible can help save the environment.
Keep your car serviced and check your tyre pressures before long journeys. It improves fuel efficiency, saving you money and reducing the impact on the environment at the same time
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →

Annual Carbon Saving: 0.11 tonnes
Change Your Lightbulbs
Changing all of the standard lightbulbs in a home to energy saving lightbulbs could save an average of 111kg of carbon every year.
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →

Annual Carbon Saving: 0.10 tonnes
Mend Clothes and Recycle
It takes 20kg of carbon to make a single pair of jeans!
By keeping our clothes for longer, or recycling clothes by donating and purchasing from charity stores, we can make a positive impact on the environment.
We are looking for a sponsor for this activity. Find out more →
Ready to go carbon neutral today?
Offset your footprint for £5.50/month.